Women’s Health
At this time, Magnificat Family Medicine is not scheduling OB appointments for new pregnancies.
We remain committed to offer NaProTECHNOLOGY care for the health and wellness of mom and baby. If you have a positive pregnancy test, particularly if you know that you have low progesterone, we encourage you to call our office as soon as possible and we will schedule you for an in-office blood draw and get you started on progesterone monitoring (if needed).
We are still available to you during pregnancy to serve as your primary care provider and monitor your progesterone. We look forward to providing you with the following services:
➤ Annual health maintenance exam
➤ Immediate health concerns (i.e. flu, lumps, bumps, bruises)
➤ Skin checks
➤ Testing and management of progesterone in pregnancy
➤ Promotion of breastfeeding
➤ Well-woman exams
➤ Treatment of menstrual irregularities
➤ Pap testing and follow up evaluation
➤ Updated therapies for menopause
➤ Evaluation of urinary incontinence
➤ Evaluation and treatment of infertility
The Creighton Model is a natural and holistic approach to a woman’s fertility health. This method of fertility awareness can give guidance to achieving or avoiding a pregnancy and tracking the reproductive cycle to uncover underlying health concerns that can accompany the reproductive cycle. Through the Introductory Session and all the follow-up sessions, the FertilityCare practitioners teach you to track various biomarkers and properly chart them.
“A natural, ethical, and highly effective approach to restoring the health and fertility of women.”
NaPro (Natural Procreative) TECHNOLOGY is an approach to women’s health science that works cooperatively with the woman’s cycle to monitor and maintain the integrity of the woman’s reproductive and gynecologic health system.
Real Solutions to Real Problems
➤ Menstrual cramps
➤ Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
➤ Ovarian cysts
➤ Irregular or abnormal bleeding
➤ Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)
➤ Repetitive miscarriage
➤ Postpartum depression
➤ Prematurity prevention
➤ Hormonal abnormalities
➤ Chronic discharges
➤ Other health problems
Progesterone Support in Pregnancy
An important practice we incorporate into our medicine approach is watching closely the progesterone level in pregnancy. The studies from Pope Paul VI Institute show a higher success rate in preventing miscarriage than the national average (see this link for more information on that!).
See Patient Chart image for the graph we follow. Treatment varies based off zone and patient history. Monitoring progesterone is our standard practice for all our OB patients. but if you aren’t seeing us for OB care, we can also monitor your levels remotely. We check progesterone levels bi-weekly when it is low. and once we see a consistent stable level, we taper off the bi-weekly schedule. Call our office or schedule an appointment to learn more!
To learn more about NaProTECHNOLOGY, schedule an appointment at our office with Dr. Delcoco or Amber Hibbert, PA or visit the NaPro website.
All images shared are from the Pope Paul VI Institute.