Patient Resources
What is PCOS?
Why is MTHFR important?
Why should I supplement with Progesterone during pregnancy?
How can I improve my Fertility?
Why should I consider Natural Family Planning?
How does Breast-feeding affect the return to fertility?
What is Endometriosis and how is it treated?
How do I treat my child’s Fever?
What is the appropriate Infant Dosing Information for Tylenol and Motrin?
What options are available for Infant Loss?
What are conventional treatments for ADHD?
Do I have Acid Reflux?
I’m having Trouble Sleeping, what can I do?
Am I just anxious or do I have Anxiety?
Do I have Depression?
How can I manage my Stress?
What resources area available to help me stop being Addicted to Pornography?
How do I begin to Heal Hidden Hurts?
What Counselors does Magnificat Family Medicine recommend?
"The Magnificat Message" Monthly Newsletter
NaProTECHNOLOGY Revolution: Unleashing the Power in a Woman’s Cycle by Thomas W. Hilgers
Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition by Marilyn M. Shannon